Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Tearful Inner-Tantrum, Tumultuous Tribulation, and Terrific Testimony

What words could there be for such a Great God?! One Who will never leave or forsake. One Who loves so furiously and endlessly.

I have a testimony, and I feel led to share it here, because I know we all could use a little encouragement right now. May this bless You!

What words are there when one who tries to encourage, isn't encouraged themselves?

When the past 2 days have been hell, with endless tears, and heart ache. And the questions come flying through the mind and heart...Why the same old mountain, God? Why the same old hurts?

When self pity takes over and one chooses to no longer cling to truth because it's become so clouded and faint in the overwhelming midst of unbelief and distrust. And then the revelation....pick yourself up Girl, this is no way for a woman of God to act and believe. Choose life, not death.

And the forgiveness pleas come even as I turn the key in the door to leave to begin the day. And what seems the ever present request, passes my lips and sings over my heart and head yet again...Help me, Lord...

Then the storm grows more wild.....

What words are there when the mechanic tells you that the problem you thought needed fixing, was not actually the problem?

That you've been driving around in your vehicle and the actual brakes aren't functioning, and the miracle is we are still alive. The physical brakes have seized and need replacing. Just as the proverbial brakes need fixing/replacing, otherwise you aren't safe. And then comes the quote near $1000 to fix the problem. And you don't have it. And you don't know how you will ever have it. There is nothing left when the bills are paid at the end of the month. How, God? Why, God?

Phone calls are made, and a kind soul can fix the car today, for $625 plus tax instead, and you go, thankful for any reprieve at all, yet still so unsure as you drive in your currently unsafe vehicle into an even bigger storm. Lord, will You calm these winds and waves? Where is Your favor? Where is this peace that surpasses all understanding that You've declared You've given?

The sun is shining strong and consistent for the first day in forever, outside, and the winter is slowly exiting stage right, yet the dark storm cloud of issue and pain still looms within.

As you walk and wait, you look to the child entrusted to you with thanks over experiencing their joy and thrill of being outside in the coming of this new season, your mind overwhelms your trust capacity. How? Why? God, Help?! She trusts so easily. She is loved, provided for, and protected. She trusts. May I be more like this precious little child, God!

And you return to the mechanic when the repairs have been said to have been completed and you breath deep, handing over the credit card. You brace for the blow. The total charge is $666. Indeed the enemy has had a hand in this trial. It is stamped in the number of the cost of it. But, God?! God why have you permitted this? And, for one of the first times ever, the answer comes quick and sure!

The cashier leaves your credit card in your hand, and gives you your keys, and the unthinkable, unfathomable grace-laden words come. The ones You never expected.... "It's already taken care of!"

How? Why? And the whisper comes quiet and sure, 'My Beloved One, Do you trust Me?' 

Oh Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!

And then you turn and someone who's rendered so much hurt, is there, with compassion in their eyes, and hands you happily and freely, another card with credit on it enough to help cover groceries for the rest of the month. Even now my enemies are showing me loving kindness.

Could it be? My God, My God, You HAVE NOT forsaken me! My own Isaiah 61:7 promise coming to pass before my very eyes....

'Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.' (NIV)

And still the same questions can come "God, How? Why?" But these don't matter. They never did. Just like my natural storm never mattered, nor my self-imposed mind over truth storm never mattered either.

Because when you are His child, the only formidable question that can be formed is ..... "How could you believe that He loved you enough to die for You, yet not believe He loves You enough to call, sustain, fight for or provide for you through 'It' 'All'?!

It is by grace through our faith (given in every measure) that we are saved. Likewise, it is by grace through faith that we are changed. We need only believe. He has seen and will see us through the/(HIS) REST.

If there were ever a declaration from our Jesus today that we must grab hold of and put on as the only armor strong enough to overcome in the struggle/battle (that is THE LORDS), it is this...


I leave you with some deeply relevant scripture truth and encoruagement today...the only words I know to leave after such a God-glorifying testimony. Be loved today, and be His love, Daughters of THE King! Place every hope and trust in Him Who Saves, Delivers and Quiets Us with His Love! (Zeph 3:17) He's Everything we need!

1 John 3 (MSG)

What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. But that’s also why the world doesn’t recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he’s up to.

But friends, that’s exactly who we are: children of God. And that’s only the beginning. Who knows how we’ll end up! What we know is that when Christ is openly revealed, we’ll see him—and in seeing him, become like him. All of us who look forward to his Coming stay ready, with the glistening purity of Jesus’ life as a model for our own.....For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves.

Psalm 29:10-11

Above the floodwaters is God’s throne
from which his power flows,
from which he rules the world.
God makes his people strong.
God gives his people peace.

Jeremiah 29:11 (MSG) This is God’s Word on the subject....I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

A Prayer for Peace: God, You know everything I'm dealing with and I'm thankful for that. I just need to feel the power of Your presence. Lord, help me take my focus off my circumstances and put it right on You. Take my worry, frustration and fear, and give me the peace that surpasses all understanding. Help me see things from Your point of view. You're not intimidated by anything. You have complete control over everything. No matter what happens today, I know You'll give me the grace to get through it in victory. Even now I am filled with peace and joy because Your presence is with me. Lord, I thank You for Your peace and I pray that You would use me as a witness of Your Word. In Jesus Name. Amen. (Joyce Meyer Ministries)

In His Love and Only By His Grace ~
Amy O

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