Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dream, Dream, Now Go!

So…I’ve been fearful (yes - seems to be a pattern). And yes, it’s caused me to be in distraction and procrastination – for a long time.

But then God has sent me pretty big messages yesterday, and He brought me back to these words, a number of times.  As I lay in bed last night and shared these words with my husband, tears began to flow down, as I realized how very much they applied….

The biggest thieves to the fulfillment of your dreams are the distractions that come your way. Your vision has to be compelling enough to cause you to run with it. It requires organizing every routine around the vision as your central focus. Failure to do so will cause the vision to die in the dream stage because activities that do not contribute to the achievement of your vision will keep you from your destination. ~ Dr Mark Chironna

"It’s very important to know where the line is between faith and presumption. Go and stand as close to that line as possible. Some of us are so scared of being presumptuous that the place where we’re occupying is really a place of unbelief. There’s territory in, around and in front of you that belongs to you but you’re not occupying it because you’re scared of making a mistake. God is not worried about your presumption. He’s concerned about your unbelief." ~Graham Cooke

Listening to music and an enlightening thought occurs to me: God does not see me the way I do. I can be such a mess. I am chaotic. I am restless. I am random. And wandering. But He sees order. He sees purpose. He sees perfection and pure love. And just like that, I am once again in awe of my Creator. Forgiven. Beloved. Hidden in Christ. Made in the image of the Giver of Life. Righteous and holy. Reborn and remade. Accepted and worthy, this is my new name.  ~ Godstrong Women

Wow! These, such words of wisdom calling to me in my self-imposed rut. Providing a light in the darkness, which I’ve chosen to surround myself with.  It reminds me of the quote from Anais Nin “And the day came where the risk to remain tight in a bud became far greater than the risk it took to blossom.” That describes me on the precipice of this step forward in God. How about you?

As you can see, it’s been pretty quiet here on the blog and on the writing front lately. I lost confidence in my ability to write and bring God glory. It always seems someone has always “said it better”.  Despite those around me encouraging me to write, and affirming how much it blesses them, I still chose not to move forward in what God was calling me to. There will always be a reason or excuse not to.  Writing doesn’t come easily for me.  It seems almost painstaking to put together a post. But I realize if God is calling me to do it, than who am I to not.  Even the Olympic athlete spends years and life perfecting their skills and crafts.  Do we not realize that once God delivers us from our Egypts, there is a desert experience for a time, yes, but there IS a promised land.  We can all choose to remain, or just go move forward. Even if we circle the mountain a few times or a few years, the Promised Land is still there. Promised. Waiting for us. We just need to make the choice to step in (and yes up to the chest sometimes) But blessing will come! Because there is something for only you to be and do for Jesus in the life.  One of my favorite lines in the movie Lord of the Rings is when Galadriel says “This task has been appointed to you, if you do not find a way, no one will”.  And Gandalf echoes as well “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us”.  Our God says in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].” He also says in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
So here I go….

I’ve named my 2013 year.  “FOCUS”.  I will be focusing on writing. I will be focusing on growing more in Christ, and pursuing a revelation of His love for me, and living and breathing out of that love. 

He’s tasked me to be encouraging people through a ministry page on FaceBook.

Keep Looking Up – Encouragement for Everyone. Here is the link:

Additionally, I will be beginning a Praise & Coffee Night Bible Study for Women at my home in Danbury, CT this month. Please contact me if you are interested in attending. 

All so very exciting, even though my boots are a-shaking with nervousness on embarking on all of these new faith-propelled endeavors.  May God’s grace, peace and blessing be over all as we move forward confidently in the direction of our dreams, with Him and For Him! For we were all born for such a time as this!  

Father God,
Thank you for the blessed, Holy Spirit-led, anointed and hopeful dreams You’ve given unto each one of us. Father, Thank You for blessing us forward into these unknowns and unchartered territories, even desert looking places at times. We declare we move forward with our eyes on Jesus, committing ourselves unto Him, and glorifying Him and Him alone, and blessing Your Kingdom and Your people. Lord, more of You, less of us, always!  Father, go before us, making ways in the wildernesses and streams in the deserts. Sing over us songs of peace and love as we embark in these territories toward the Promised lands of our dreams that You’ve ordained before time and the world even began in You and Your Word! Thank You for great revelation, for every tool and blessing, for every trial that strengthens, for every wind that blows to strengthen our roots in the One True Vine, You, oh Lord! We declare that we will do mighty things for You and Your glory. We declare that we will make a difference, by being the difference and we are moving forward in faith and confidence in You, Sovereign, Able, Mighty, Gracious, Loving, Caring, Faithful God and Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

Be blessed, Beautiful Children of God,
In His Love ~
Amy O

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are doing what you are called to do in spite of your fears because it shows that the tasks at hand are beyond you and require the doing of Your Father to bring them to completion...Like the words on this page say it well "Keep Looking Up!!" and believe me I am glad you are still writing. Love u and stay Focused :)
