Monday, June 4, 2012


Becoming a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. Not only has it been a whirlwind of joys and blessings, but also serves as a consistent teaching platform for me. 

Lately my daughter has been shouting these 4 powerful words ("No I Do It") at me whenever she sees something she wants to do or thinks she can do all on her own. 

I love my daughter, and I want her to grow in her autonomy and independence, but not at the risk of hurting herself or others. At times it's my job to allow her to go ahead and do things she think that she can so that she can fail in my presence, where I know I can help her in the aftermath, before she tries again. Sometimes it's my job to step back and let her go it on her own. And other times, it's up to me to say a resounding "NO", despite her insistence and belief that she can or should do a thing.

I find this relationship that I have with my daughter, very reflective of my relationship with God.

One day I found myself getting overwhelmed with my daughter, after she shouted these autonomous words at me, yet again.  Then a question rose up on the inside of me. "Doesn't this sound like you sometimes, Amy? Don't your subconscious actions, thoughts and worry, exhibit this same statement to your Father God, at times?"

Sometimes out of fear or sheer determination to do something I'm facing, I attempt to do it in my own strength, and I can feel my resolve scream out "No I Do It!" My inner child asserts herself again. When will I just let go and let God take the wheel?  Just because I can't see God and tangibly feel His course correction, protection, and girding at times, doesn't mean He's not mightily at work "behind the scenes".

In fact, I can look back now on so many instances gone by in my life, and see I should have been dead or unsuccessful in a thing....But God! He's always stepped in...protecting me, guiding me, helping me and embracing me after my falls, no matter what! He's loved me at every stage of my development, and no doubt, will continue to! I'm so grateful for His unchanging opinion of me. His innate gracious and merciful love over me!

Just like I love my daughter through and through, no matter what her choices, assertions, or assumptions, God will love you and I no matter what we do, or don't do, or say.  He can never love us any more than He does now, or any less than He does now! His unconditional love, is our most perfect gift! Embrace it today. Embrace Him and His perfect will and plans (Jer 29:11) for you today, and thank Him. He's chosen you! (Jer 1:5) 

Also, I feel led to add that God quickened my Spirit the other day to Amos 3:3 where He asks, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"  I think what he was trying to say to me was that I need to get in agreement with Him! To walk in step with Him! Especially when it comes to His opinion of me. 

Our God is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  We can take Him at His word. He's consistent. Never changing. He who is rich and mercy, and because of His great love for us (Ephesians 2:4), calls us everyday into this journey of becoming more like His beloved Son, Jesus. 

As for the changes, and tumultuous scenarios of life, let us always remember that He loves us far too much to allow us to stay the same

In His Love, 

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