Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lights, Camera, Lesson!

On Friday, I was asked to record a women's event video announcement for our church.  

I attend a church that utilizes technology to its utmost in all of its endeavors. The announcements are done on a giant Jumbo-Tron screen.  

I was intimidated to step out of my comfort zone and give filming an announcement a try, but I'm so glad I did.  Out of this step of faith, God used the fella that was overseeing the filming of the announcement I was to do, to bless me greatly (and I hope you as well).

When I arrived, I was as ready as I could be.  I made sure not to wear green or stripes, as Russell (the fella) asked.  Imagine my complete surprise upon first seeing me, he asked if my white and brown patterned shirt was green.  I exclaimed, "No!".  He smiled.  He said "Oh good. I'm colorblind, so I can't tell. I'm also the lighting director here, and I'm really afraid of heights too. And I'm in charge of the announcements every week, and I'm a really terrible speller."  I was baffled. Russell has done some amazing things to improve the quality of announcements, lighting and technological connectivity at our church in a big way.  If you've ever seen one of the video's Russell creates, and how he uses folks and their talents and voice overs to create a journey, not just another video to watch, you would be astounded.  There is no way you would know he has these challenges that he's facing (as he described). God is using him to impact folks in a big way at our church, and around the world as well.  Russell went on to explain that he just has people check and double check his work a lot. Amazing! 

If you are interested, here is a clip of Russell's work (copy and paste into your browser) -

The biggest blessing of all is that God used Russell's brief testimony to encourage me. 

See, the world, in all of it's ways and false wisdoms would take a look at Russell and say, he can't do what he's doing and be good at it. The great thing about Russell is that he hasn't let the world, it's ways and definitions of success affect him or stop him from moving forward with God and His great grace, power, and strength over his life. Russell is doing what he can do and God is doing what he can't.  And Russell and God are so good as a team together that Russell can make a living off of what the world would deem his weaknesses are, and bless other people not just in his church, but all over the world. It reminds me of that scripture "He uses the weak to confound the wise" (1 Corinthians 1:27-28) 

The bible says, in 1 Corinthians 2:9, "But He said to me. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

How beautiful is that? 

I know I am often living as if to hide my weaknesses. I don't want anyone to know where I fall short. I don't even want to take a look at where I fall short most of the time. I struggle with insecurity and, as a result of this, control issues. But, I can see how God wants me, wants us, to acknowledge what our weaknesses are. It's so we can remember that we so desperately need Him. I can try really hard to be great at something in my strength and only get so far, but when God steps in and anoints a thing, a person or an endeavor = Look Out! No holds barred! Here we go! 

He wants us to know that His grace is sufficient. What is grace? Here is how Joyce Meyer (one of my favorite bible teachers) explains it "Grace is power, and we receive the grace of God through faith. The Bible says that every man is given a measure of faith (see Romans 12:3). So instead of trying to solve our own problems, fix things or work things out, we can release our faith by trusting God to take care of them. Then God's grace-His power-comes through that channel of faith and enables us to do what we couldn't do on our own, which will amaze us and others.  So my definition of grace is: God's power coming to us freely as we put our faith in Him, enabling us to do with ease what we could never do on our own, without struggle or effort."

The enemy of our souls loves it when we get hung up on our weaknesses and sit in the distraction of what we can't do, or can't do well (according to the world's standards), and lose sight of how great our God is, and how much power and grace He bestows on those who chose to believe in Him and the power of His might and blessing.

Like me, if you get hung up on what you can't do, and what you lack strength in, then remember with me today, that we've been chosen, by an Almighty, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God, Who created the universe and who loves and cares for each one of us.  We are chosen instruments of His calling. His own handiwork and workmanship (Ephesians 2:10 AMP).

He's instilled in each of us unique giftings, talents and anointings, because he needs us to work together to create something greater than ourselves, for one another and for Him. Read Ephesians 4 (Amplified Version) when you have a moment. It's incredible at helping us to see that we have all been given different giftings, but are part of one body of Christ. There is no use being frustrated with one's lack of giftings, because that gifting is uniquely theirs, and you, likewise, have those of your own. If you are finding yourself wishing you could do something or be someway, like someone else, then STOP! You can do something that they can't, much better. 

The giftings that we see in others that are wonderful, and strong, are meant for our pleasure.  God has placed those things in that person for you to enjoy! And, He's done the same in you! So focus on your strengths, give Him your weaknesses, and lets truly start to live the lives that Jesus died to give us. He came so that we may have and enjoy our lives (John 10:10) If you don't know what your strengths and giftings are, then pray to God to reveal them to you and begin to try different things out.

Lastly, I had to laugh at the end of the taping session. I was literally in and out of there in 15 minutes.  Russell said that I was a natural and he'd probably be calling me again to do video announcements in the future. 

Funny how I may not be able to stage a performance with my desired giftings and my life, but God may have a future for me on camera! :-) I didn't know it, until I tried! 

God Bless You All! Praying you are all enjoying a safe and blessed Holiday weekend. 

Blessings and In His Love, 

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