Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our Baby's Birth Story and The Number 7 ~ Encouragement for Your "Onward!"

I consider myself a mainly optimistic, hopeful person of Christ. But lately I’ve been thinking…. sometimes it seems like things will never change.  

Maybe it was just having woken up this morning… Newborn, crying. Five year old not responding to requests and questions. Husband telling me that dream we’ve been working toward and hoping for, still is a long way to being “realized”.  And, big dreams of who I would be and what I would be doing in this life, echoing in my heart and mind… mostly not yet realized.

And then my newborn smiled for the first time, and my daughter responded, and my husband hugged me and whispered how it would all be ok, and we will realize all of our dreams, with God’s faithfulness, ever present help, and perfect timing.

It’s so hard to remember His assurances, His promises, His whispers of His great “plans”.  But it happens, and I’m writing to you today to tell you to remember His whispers of protection, provision and passion for you, and prophesy and affirm over you …. with Him, all things are possible, and you will behold the “promised land” He’s prepared for you!

Every heart dream, every peace, every hope.  He’s heard our prayers. He sees the need.  He knows our hearts.  He is making ways, and He is preparing the above all we can dare ask or think blessings.  

How can I say this?  Well, I had forgotten, but He asked me to share the miracle of my daughters birth to assure you “It Is Well”.  This was over a month ago.  I’m so very sorry for my delay.

I had the worst third trimester of pregnancy. You name it, and it happened. Discomfort, pain, illness, all of it.  My beautiful baby kept on showing in breach position in every scan and follow up.  We were nervous and praying feverishly for the situation to change.  For her to turn the proper way.  Why is it the entering of the miracle of birth is opposite of what one thinks?  Why is it that head down is right?

All the fervent prayers, and believing and speaking life, and no changes.  I was discouraged.  Why God? Is my faith not enough to change this situation?

Imagine our surprise when our scheduled cesarean section was upended by God’s and Baby’s choice, as water broke two days prior to it, and Baby was quickly on the way.

Water broke at 1:30am.  At the hospital at  2:30am.  Upon arrival I was already 6 centimeters dilated. Computer problems, vein locating problems, and all happened along the way. But there was His peace. Every time a contraction would come, I would utter Jesus name through groanings and large breaths.  He was there.  It was painful, but He was there.

Baby came to us healthy and blessed at 7 lbs 7 ounces, at 4:03 (which adds to seven) on 2/7.  And we were promptly wheeled into room 107, to enjoy our beautiful "gift".

My husband walked into the recovery room with her singing “Seven times Seventy times”.  

It turns out that the number Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). Hallelujah!

I believe my baby’s beautiful birth story was assurance, not only for our family, but for all whom our lives are touching.

Though this time may be hard, the pain present, and the trials difficult, the situation seemingly turned “on it’s head”.... our Greatest God is guiding, and He is planning on not only making ‘it’ perfect, but complete (both Physically and Spiritually).  

Father, You’ve spoken dreams, visions and blessings over us all.  Please give us strength, courage and hope to remember that Your plans, Your perfect timing and Your miraculous blessings, are going to come to pass, as You’ve shown us. All of our hope continues to be in You and You alone.  May we be encouraged in Jesus amazing grace, and perfect love as we wait upon Him and His Kingdom come and will being done in our lives, the lives of our beloveds, and in this earth. In His Matchless and Wonderful Name, I Pray. Amen!

Keep moving forward in hope and keep looking up in gratitude, Cherished Ones!