He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. ~ Psalm 1:3
There is a monumentally large tree that grows in the parking lot of our condominium complex. I pass it everyday.
It's stature is monumental in comparison to the other trees in proximity to it. It is a lone tree protruding from a 5x10 grass area, in the middle of a parking lot.
This tree appears old and worn, and yet every season, it testifies to it's great health and vitality within, despite it's limited, limiting surroundings. It blooms, it drops its leaves, and re-blooms with every season. There it stands, mighty and blessed to be.
Astoundingly, it's wild to perceive what seems that the root structure of this tree alone, must hold the entire lot together, let alone the hillside on which it and the adjoining condominium structures rest.
The trees existence and health are important to those things, people and places it is surrounding.
I mention this today, because seeing this tree has begun me thinking on how this so readily aligns with all of us as believers and our faith walks....
You may not look the most beautiful outwardly, but You are alive in Christ, having all nourishment, approval, blessing, favor and love you need to not just survive, but thrive!
Seasons bring change, but with the change of Seasons comes opportunity to adapt and thrive in the circle of God's glorious creation. Change, supply, drop your leaves, re-grow them, and just be according to the seasons. Be in tune with your surroundings, most of all to Your Heavenly Father, and Creator! As Joyce Meyer says "I may not be where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be. I'm ok and I'm on my way!"
You may not have the territory you want, but you have the territory you need. In fact, you being planted where you are, no matter the size or the circumstance, is probably the very thing holding that ground together.
Trust that God, is ordaining every happening of your being. Trust in His divine order.
Trust that you've been given as a source of life, not just to sustain and be, but to provide what is needed for all around you.
You are a gift. A provision of His grace and love. And by just existing, you reflect the handiwork of His mercy, grace and love. You are a miracle, Set Apart!
He cuts down cedars, or he chooses a cypress tree or an oak and lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest. He plants a cedar and the rain nourishes it. ~ Isaiah 44:14
If you are going through so much right now, rest assured, He's planted you beside His rivers of Living Water, and the rain is nourishing you now to restoration and redemption unlike you can even dare ask or think! You need only trust Him. "Be it unto according to your faith", He says!
The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the cypress, the plane, and the pine, to beautify the place of my sanctuary, and I will make the place of my feet glorious. ~ Isaiah 60:13
You are apart of a gloriously made, God ordained whole. You matter, as does everyone and everything around you. All working together as one body, we glorify The One Who is called Yahweh. The Great "I Am".
You are not your own. Your life and existence are not Your own to do with what You will, when and how you will. You are a cherished, favored, beloved, ordained and chosen creation of the Most High God. May you continue to remain planted on the foundation of His promises, His Word, and continue to be founded on, grow in, and be fruitful in all that He has called you to...persons, places and things!
To Him be the glory, honor and praise - Forever and ever!
A prayer for us today...
Father, Thank You for my beloved brethren. Thank You for each and every one of them as they draw nearer unto You. Father, grant them Your peace, Your serenity, Your favor, Your blessing and let them feel the "MiracleGrow" of Your love fertilizing the very ground that they are growing from.
Whether mountain or valley, hillside or plain, rock cliff or grassy oasis, they reside, help them to marvel in the truth that they originate from, are sustained by, and are testament to the mighty works of Your hands, and the faithfulness and able-ness by which you tend all.
Help them Lord, today, that they may further see their intrinsic value to this great whole, Your Body, in which we move and have our being. Let them see their intrinsic necessity to the delicate ecosystem of Your great Plan, in which You've chosen to plant them. And let the hope that waters that plan, rain down now afresh and anew.
May scales fall from eyes and we truly see in the Spirit, the blessing and glory given when we just be in You and from You, and do as You've created us to. Fear, cease. Hope, rise.
Clarify these things for us today God. That which You intend for us. Help us to become aware of the reverberations of our obedience in purpose, and help us to know intrinsically and solidly, what each of our purposes are.
May we continue to stand bold, strong and courageous in You and the power of Your might, pressing on to the high calling and prize that is in You. That is You, Jesus.
Thank you for the life offered us and the great purpose bestowed on us at all, because of Your great sacrifice and love, Lord.
May we continue to live our lives as a thank You to You Lord, for all You've done. Let us live lives that are poured out for You, God. For we want lives that not just look good, but are good, Father. Shake our foundations today, that we may know it is from You, through You, in You and for You we are, and will be.
We love You Lord, and re-dedicate ourselves today, not in the pursuit of fixating on the negative aspects of our individual situations, but on the truth that You are with us, and will never leave us or forsake us, and all we are, all we hope for and all we long to be, and do is found on the foundations of Your love, Your way, Your truth and Your life. May we look to You, our Hero, defender of our souls, and Master Tender.
In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen and Amen!
God Bless you Brothers and Sisters. Keep Moving Forward and Keep Looking Up!
In His Love,
Amy O