My daughter asked me to lie down with her. Only she wasn't interested in resting or being at peace. She was interested in playing with her stuffed animals, singing, and talking about her day so far, and what she wanted to accomplish later. And, as I was laying there peacefully, reminding her every so often "Be still - It's time to rest - Be still", I could feel this revelation cover over me like a blanket. It's those moments of "AHA!" where I often feel God tangibly smile.
I saw that just as I was there reminding my daughter to be still, and to take rest as was needed, God sings over us the very same thing. Do we choose to listen to Him when He asks us to rest and be still in Him and His sovereign hands? Or, do we choose to chatter on, sing on, and go on during our day, and completely miss out on our much needed rest in Him?
I love in Psalm 46:10, God says "Be still and know that I am God". In Zephaniah 3:17 it says "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, he will rejoice over you with singing".
Can you imagine? The God Who created the Heavens and Earth, and rules over all, sings over You and has His mighty arms open wide ready for you to rest in Him and with Him. He longs to quiet You with His love!
What if it's futile for us to keep on going about our day in our own power, strength and way? What if in all our "No I Do It - Moments", we, just as our 2 year olds, get cranky and lose it before the days end, because we have chosen not to rest in our God, our Source of strength, power and the love it takes to not just survive, but thrive.
This world has become a wild place. It seems merit, accomplishment and credibility are based on how much one does. Quantity, yes, yet quality suffers as a result. Therefore, leading to more quantity to make up for the lack of quality. Yet, the lack of quality forges on. It's a "vicious cycle". And I believe our Spirits feel the lack of balance, the reliance on the worlds ways, and the way the world works. But, let us not forget that we are not of the world.
Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." To me, there is no better way to renew and refresh a soul, than some rest in God. Spend time in His Word. Whisper a prayer or ask for direction or instruction in a thing and wait for His still small voice to answer. Remember, that God never answers a prayer at the same decibel level at which it is prayed. You must quiet yourself to hear Him. Remember, it takes discipline to bring yourself to a place of rest and peace in God. Just as you are working on being more fit, or eating healthier, exercising, or practicing any thing that you want to become more skilled at, it takes time. Be kind to yourself in the journey.
After a numerous amount of times of my gentle reminders for my daughter that day to "be still", she finally quieted down, rolled to me, and took her little sticky hands and grabbed both sides of my face, and fell asleep peacefully. It took awhile, but she was finally still, and upon waking up, was refreshed, rejuvenated, and blessed to continue on through her day.
Take your sticky hands, and your to-do list, your shortcomings, your frustrations, your blessings, and joys, your love, hope and faith, stretch out your hands and give it all to God today. He's there, with you, rejoicing over you with singing, ready to quiet you with His love. He wants to be Your Source, Your very present help in time of need, Your resting place. Let Him. Be still in Him, and find the true refreshing and replenishment that you've been yearning and searching for!
Blessings and Love in Christ,
Amy O